Lemon Tree
The peel and the pith,
the zest. Pits.
from the half-moon
wedge. The fibrous
capsule. Globules
of tart, bursting,
into a highball
glass. Yellow milk.
A garish lime-green
crème. Chartreuse,
peau t’etre. A gibbous
moon. Too bright
a yellow. Jaune
moderne. A colour
for a toddler.
I’m aged beyond
nuance. I’m
all for the clash.
Primary value.
Wrist swivel
on a juicer,
and the crash.
Martha Webster is a retired RN and senior citizen activist living in Los Angeles. Eons ago, she attended the Columbia University School of the Arts MFA program and has published poems in many US journals. She moved from New York to LA three years ago. Among her passions, hiking and whale-watching get top billing.